Program Educational Objectives

The PEOs of BSEE program provide the link between the program and the mission of the institution as well as between the program and the needs of stakeholders. The BSEE educational processes are planned and organized to ensure that the PEOs can be achieved. These educational processes include the means to develop, deliver, evaluate, and improve the quality of BSEE graduates several years after graduation and hence meet the objectives of the program. The PEOs were initially formulated by the Department Council with input from the program constituencies viz. faculty, alumni, senior-year students, employers, and the industrial advisory committee. Taking into consideration feedback from all of the program’s constituencies, the refined objectives were discussed in several departmental council meetings. The BSEE program has defined a set of objectives that translate the mission of the program into measurable and defined tasks.

Within a few years of graduation, graduates of the BSEE program are expected to:

  1. have successful careers in the field of electrical engineering
  2. advance to the leadership positions by lifelong learning through higher education and/or professional development.
  3. contribute to the society growth and profession development through responsible practice of engineering.

Consistency of Program Educational Objectives with KAU Mission Statement

Program objectives

University Mission

Knowledge Development


Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Objective 1


Objective 2


Objective 3


Last Update
9/21/2022 11:43:02 AM