Graduation Requirements

To obtain the Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering (BSEE), the student must successfully complete 155 credit hours, out of which 26 credit hours represent the University requirements, 44 credit hours represent the faculty requirements, 79 (61 compulsory, 18 elective) credit hours represent the program requirements, and 6 credit hours represent the free course requirement. The total number of credit hours corresponds to a total of 65 courses that must be taken by program students to fulfill BSEE graduation requirements. In order to ensure that the student completed the course work, the ODUS PLUS is available to both the student and program management for checking. After ensuring that a student has completed at least 110 credit hours, the program management allows the student to start a summer (10 weeks, 2 credit hours) compulsory training in the industry under the supervision of a faculty member. After the student successfully completes the degree course work and summer training and thereafter obtaining a release form from Deanship of Admission and Registration, he would be eligible for obtaining his Bachelor’s degree certificate. Students are expected to graduate after completing 10 semesters and will be disqualified from their program if they do not fulfill the graduation requirements within a maximum period of 15 semesters. In exceptional cases, the University Council can give an exceptional opportunity to the students to fulfill the graduation requirements within maximum of 20 semesters. The minimum GPA for graduation from FER programs is 2.75. Students whose GPAs are lower than 2.75 but have otherwise fulfilled all other graduation requirements must retake enough of the technical courses in which their grade is lower than C to bring their GPA up to the 2.75 minimum.

             The current graduation requirement for students to obtain the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE) degree is that they must complete 155 credit units with a GPA of 2.75 (out of 5) or higher and satisfy the curricular requirements of the BSEE Program as detailed in Criterion 5 of the present Self-Study Report. In case the student succeeds in all courses but fails to obtain the minimum GPA requirement of 2.75, the BSEE program and the faculty council may select a set of courses to be studied by the student to raise his GPA to fulfill the graduation requirements. These courses are the ones in which the students achieved grades F or D which they should retake to increase their GPA. The F or D grades afterwards shall then be turned into grades (XF) or (XD) which will appear on the transcript of the student

The typical study period is five years. Students are expected to graduate after 10 semesters of study and one summer internship term and will be disqualified from their programs if they do not fulfill the graduation requirements within a maximum period of 15 semesters. In exceptional cases, the University Council can give an exceptional opportunity to the students to fulfill the graduation requirements within maximum of 20 semesters. In addition, the University Council may grant them an exceptional opportunity that shall not exceed two academic semesters

The process to ensure and document that each student satisfies the graduation requirements starts with the student submitting a “Request for Graduation” form electronically on ODUS PLUS. The request is forwarded to their academic advisor, who verifies that graduation requirements have been met

If the student is eligible for graduation, the advisor will approve the graduation request which then is forwarded to the FER Registrar at the Deanship of Admission and Registration where he cross checks all the graduation requirements. The request is then approved or rejected based on the registrar’s findings. The student is informed of his application status with appropriate reasons in case of rejection

The process of ensuring and documenting that each graduate has completed the graduation requirement is summarized in Figure below.

Process for ensuring completion of graduation requirements


Last Update
9/21/2022 11:56:47 AM